
英	语通用作文开头结尾

先来说说英语通用作文的开头。常见的开头方式有多种。其一为现象描述式开头。通过描述一种普遍存在的现象来引出主题。例如,在讨论环境保护问题时,可以这样开头:“Nowadays, with the rapid development of industry and the increasing population, environmental problems have become more and more serious. The air we breathe is polluted, the water we drink is contaminated, and the land we rely on for food production is being eroded.”这种开头直接呈现了环境问题的严重性,让读者对主题有直观的感受,进而想要继续了解关于环境保护的相关内容。其二为引用式开头。可以引用名人名言、谚语或相关数据等。比如,在论述学习的重要性时,可引用培根的名言“Knowledge is power.”然后接着阐述在当今竞争激烈的社会中,知识如何赋予人们力量,开启关于学习的讨论。其三为设问式开头。以问题开篇能够引发读者的思考。例如写关于友谊的文章时,开头可以是“What is friendship? Why do we need friends in our lives?”这样的问题会促使读者在心中寻找答案,同时也会好奇作者接下来将如何解答这些关于友谊的问题。

再看英语通用作文的结尾。总结归纳式结尾是较为常用的一种。它对文章的主要内容进行概括总结,再次强调主题。比如在一篇关于健康生活方式的文章中,结尾可这样写:“In conclusion, adopting a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular exercise, a balanced diet and enough sleep, is of great significance to our physical and mental well-being. It can help us stay energetic, prevent diseases and enjoy a higher quality of life.”这样的结尾清晰地总结了健康生活方式的构成和重要性,使读者对文章的核心观点有更明确的认知。此外,还有展望式结尾。在文章末尾对未来的情况或可能的发展进行展望。例如在讨论科技发展对社会影响的文章中,结尾可以是“Looking ahead, as technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, we can expect even more remarkable changes in our society. However, we should also be prepared to face new challenges that may arise along with these changes, such as the potential impact on employment patterns and the need for updated ethical guidelines.”这种结尾不仅总结了科技发展的现状,还对其未来进行了展望,拓宽了读者的思维视野。最后是呼吁式结尾。通过呼吁读者采取行动或改变观念来结束文章。如在倡导节约用水的文章中,结尾可以是“Therefore, let's all take actions from now on to save every drop of water. Only by doing so can we ensure the sustainable use of this precious resource for ourselves and future generations.”这种结尾能够唤起读者的情感共鸣,增强文章的感染力。

英	语通用作文开头结尾
