
三	级英语作文万能句子


用于引出话题的万能句子是关键。例如:“There is a heated debate over whether...”,这句话能够巧妙地开启一个讨论的话题,无论是关于科技对生活的影响,还是社会现象的分析,都能适用。比如在讨论网络购物的利弊时,就可以这样开头:“There is a heated debate over whether online shopping is a blessing or a curse.”(关于网络购物是福是祸,人们展开了激烈的辩论。)这样的开头能够引起读者的兴趣,让他们想要继续往下看。再如:“It is widely believed that...”,它适用于引用普遍的观点或事实。比如在阐述教育的重要性时:“It is widely believed that education is the key to success.”(人们普遍认为教育是成功的关键。)简洁明了地表明观点,为下文的论述做铺垫。还有“With the rapid development of society, ... has become a hot topic among...”这个句子,在描述随着社会发展而产生的新兴话题时非常有效。例如:“With the rapid development of society, environmental protection has become a hot topic among the public.”(随着社会的快速发展,环境保护已经成为公众的热门话题。)

接着是用于阐述观点的句子。“In my point of view, I am inclined to believe that...”是很实用的个人观点表达句式。比如在讨论是否应该在中学开展职业规划课程时,可以说:“In my point of view, I am inclined to believe that career planning courses should be introduced in high schools.”(在我看来,我倾向于认为应该在中学开设职业规划课程。)清晰地表明自己的立场。“It is not uncommon for people to hold different views on... However, I firmly hold that...”这个句子可以用于对比他人观点并强调自己的观点。例如:“It is not uncommon for people to hold different views on the role of artificial intelligence. However, I firmly hold that it will play an increasingly important part in various fields.”(人们对人工智能的作用有不同的看法并不少见。我坚信它将在各个领域发挥越来越重要的作用。)先承认不同观点的存在,再突出自己的坚定立场。另外,“There are numerous reasons accounting for this situation.”常用于引出原因分析。比如分析大学生沉迷网络游戏的原因时:“There are numerous reasons accounting for college students' addiction to online games.”(有很多原因导致大学生沉迷于网络游戏。)然后可以分别从心理需求、社交环境等方面进行详细阐述。

最后是用于总结和升华主题的句子。“To sum up, we should attach great importance to...”是很好的总结呼吁型句子。例如在呼吁大家关注传统文化传承时:“To sum up, we should attach great importance to the inheritance of traditional culture.”(我们应该高度重视传统文化的传承。)简洁有力地发出倡议。“Only in this way can we...”这个倒装句式在结尾处能增强语气。比如在谈论如何提高个人素质时:“Only in this way can we improve our overall quality.”(只有这样,我们才能提高个人的整体素质。)强调采取某种方法后的结果。“We have every reason to believe that...”则表达了一种积极的愿景或期望。例如:“We have every reason to believe that with joint efforts, our environment will become better.”(我们完全有理由相信,通过共同努力,我们的环境会变得更好。)给读者传递出一种积极向上的情感和对未来的信心。

三	级英语作文万能句子
