1.时间过渡法 - "As time went by,..." - "Over the years,..." - "With the passage of time,..." 通过描述时间的推移来引出主题,可以有效地引起读者的兴趣。
2.问题引出法 - "Isn’t it interesting that...?" - "What’s more fascinating is..." - "It is a common phenomenon that..." 使用疑问句或感叹句引出话题,能够激起读者的思考。
3.引用名言法 - "As the saying goes,…” - "According to the ancient wisdom,..." - "As the proverb goes,…” 利用名言警句作为开头,既显得有文化底蕴,又能引起共鸣。
4.数据展示法 - "A recent survey showed..." - "According to statistics,..." - "Statistics show that..." 通过提供具体的数据支持,可以使论点更具说服力。
5.情景描绘法 - "Imagine if...” - “If we were in your shoes,..." - “Imagine standing at the edge of a cliff...” 借助想象的场景来引入文章主题,可以让读者产生身临其境的感觉。
6.引用名人观点法 - "Just as Mark Twain said,…” - “As Aristotle once noted,…” - “As Benjamin Franklin believed,…” 借用名人的名言或观点作为开头,可以增加文章的权威性和深度。 万能句子结尾
1.总结概括法 - "In conclusion,..." - "In summary,..." - "In short,..." 通过总结文章的主要内容,使全文结构清晰,层次分明。
2.展望未来法 - "Looking ahead,..." - "Looking into the future,..." - "Looking forward,..." 展望未来,表达出积极进取的态度,给读者留下深刻的印象。
3.呼吁行动法 - "Let’s work together,..." - "Let's take action,..." - "Let's strive for success,..." 提出号召或建议,激励读者积极参与。
4.哲理启示法 - "The true essence of life is..." - "Life is but a fleeting moment,..." - "Life itself is like a journey." 通过对人生的深刻理解进行总结,给读者以启示。
5.情感升华法 - "I feel deeply moved by this event." - "This experience made me realize..." - "This incident has touched my heart deeply." 表达出强烈的情感,使文章更具感染力。 结论 掌握初中英语作文万能句子开头和结尾的技巧对于提高写作水平至关重要。通过巧妙地运用上述方法,可以使作文内容更加丰富、结构更加紧凑,从而更好地吸引阅卷老师的注意力并展现自己的语言功底。因此,同学们应该多加练习,不断提高自己的写作能力。