
英	语二作文模板

我们来看开头段的写作模板。开头段需要引出话题并表明观点,常用的方法之一是“引用名言 + 提出主题 + 表明观点”。例如,“As an old saying goes, 'Knowledge is power.' It is universally acknowledged that learning English is of great significance to us, and I firmly believe that mastering English can open the door to a broader world.”(正如一句古老的谚语所说:“知识就是力量。”人们普遍认为学习英语对我们意义重大,我坚信掌握英语能够为我们打开一扇通往更广阔世界的大门。)这样的开头,通过引用名言增加了文章的可信度和吸引力,接着自然地引出了“学习英语的重要性”这一主题,并明确表达了自己的观点,即掌握英语能让我们拥有更广阔的视野。


  • First and foremost, mastering English enables us to access a wealth of information. In the era of globalization, a vast amount of cutting - edge scientific research, advanced technologies, and diverse cultures are primarily recorded and shared in English. For instance, many world - class academic journals and international conferences use English as their working language. By having a good command of English, we can keep up with the latest developments in various fields and gain valuable insights.(首先也是最重要的是,掌握英语使我们能够获取大量的信息。在全球化时代,大量前沿科研成果、先进技术以及多元文化主要以英语记录和传播。例如,许多世界一流的学术期刊和国际会议都将英语作为工作语言。通过熟练掌握英语,我们能够紧跟各领域的最新发展动态,获取宝贵的见解。)
  • Secondly, English serves as a bridge for cross - cultural communication. With the increasing international cooperation in business, education, and other areas, being able to communicate effectively in English is crucial. When we travel abroad or interact with foreigners, English helps us understand their cultures better and avoid misunderstandings. For example, many multinational companies require employees who can communicate fluently in English to work with overseas partners.(英语是跨文化交流的桥梁。随着商业、教育等领域国际合作的日益增多,能够用英语有效沟通至关重要。当我们出国旅行或与外国人交流时,英语能帮助我们更好地了解他们的文化,避免误解。例如,许多跨国公司要求员工能够流利地使用英语与海外合作伙伴进行工作交流。)

结尾段需要对全文进行总结并升华主题。可以采用“总结观点 + 提出展望”的模式。比如,“In conclusion, learning English is not only a means to acquire knowledge but also an essential tool for personal development and social progress. We should cherish every opportunity to learn English and strive to improve our English proficiency, so that we can adapt to the global trends and make greater contributions to our country and the world.”(学习英语不仅是一种获取知识的方式,也是个人发展和社会进步的重要工具。我们应该珍惜每一个学习英语的机会,努力提高我们的英语水平,以适应全球趋势,为国家和世界做出更大的贡献。)这样的结尾既总结了前文关于学习英语重要性的观点,又从更高的层面提出了对个人和社会的期望,使文章的主题得到升华。

英	语二作文模板
