首先来看开头段的万能模板。开头段的主要作用是引出主题,引起读者的兴趣或者交代相关背景信息等。一个较为常用的万能模板是“With the rapid development of..., more and more attention has been paid to...”(随着……的快速发展,人们越来越关注……)。例如,在讨论环保话题的小作文时,可以这样写:“With the rapid development of modern industry, more and more attention has been paid to environmental protection.”(随着现代工业的快速发展,人们越来越关注环境保护。)这个句子能够简洁明了地引出关于环保这一主题,让读者对文章的核心内容有一个初步的认识。另外,还可以用“There is a heated debate over whether...”(关于是否……有一场激烈的辩论)这样的模板来开启一篇讨论型的小作文。比如写关于大学生是否应该创业的作文时,就可以说:“There is a heated debate over whether college students should start their own businesses.”(关于大学生是否应该创业有一场激烈的辩论。)通过这样的表述,自然地引出了下文对不同观点的阐述。
中间段则是小作文的核心部分,需要详细阐述自己的观点、分析原因或者描述具体的情况等。一个常见的模板是“Firstly, it is widely acknowledged that... What's more,... Last but not least,...”(人们普遍认为……而且,……最后但同样重要的是,……)。以讨论阅读的重要性为例,中间段可以这样写:“Firstly, it is widely acknowledged that reading can broaden our horizons. We can learn about different cultures, histories and ideas through various books. What's more, reading can improve our language skills. By reading extensively, we can enrich our vocabulary and learn how to use words more accurately. Last but not least, reading can cultivate our thinking abilities. When we read, we need to think about the content and analyze the characters and plots, which can train our logical thinking and creativity.”在这个段落中,通过运用这个模板,从拓宽视野、提升语言技能和培养思维能力三个方面详细阐述了阅读的重要性,逻辑清晰,层次分明。此外,还可以使用“On the one hand... On the other hand...”(一方面……另一方面……)这样的模板。比如在写关于传统节日和西方节日哪个更有意义的作文时,就可以说:“On the one hand, traditional festivals carry rich cultural connotations and are deeply engraved in people's hearts. They can help us understand the history and values of our own country. On the other hand, western festivals also have their unique charm and can bring us new experiences and ways of thinking. However, we should not forget the significance of our traditional festivals while enjoying the western ones.”(一方面,传统节日承载着丰富的文化内涵,深深铭刻在人们心中。它们可以帮助我们了解本国的历史和价值观。另一方面,西方节日也有其独特的魅力,可以给我们带来新的体验和思维方式。在享受西方节日的同时,我们不应该忘记传统节日的意义。)通过对比两个方面,使文章内容更加丰富和全面。
结尾段的作用是总结全文、升华主题或者提出建议等。一个简单而实用的万能模板是“In conclusion, we should... Only in this way can we...”(我们应该……只有这样,我们才能……)。例如,在一篇关于如何改善交通拥堵的小作文结尾可以这样写:“In conclusion, we should take effective measures to alleviate traffic congestion. The government should invest more in public transportation and encourage people to use green出行方式. Only in this way can we have a smoother and more convenient transportation environment.”(我们应该采取有效措施来缓解交通拥堵。政府应该加大对公共交通的投入,鼓励人们使用绿色出行方式。只有这样,我们才能拥有更顺畅、更方便的交通环境。)这个结尾简洁有力地总结了前文提出的解决交通拥堵的方法,并强调了这样做的重要性,使文章有了一个完整而有力的收尾。另外,“All in all, it is clear that... Therefore, we are supposed to...”(总而言之,很明显……因此,我们应该……)也是一个不错的结尾模板。比如在写关于健康生活方式重要性的作文结尾可以写:“All in all, it is clear that a healthy lifestyle is of great significance to our physical and mental health. Therefore, we are supposed to develop good living habits such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep.”(总而言之,很明显健康的生活方式对我们的身心健康有着重要意义。因此,我们应该养成好的生活习惯,如定期锻炼、均衡饮食和充足睡眠。)这个结尾再次强调了健康生活方式的重要性,并呼吁人们采取相应的行动,增强了文章的感染力和号召力。