一、书信 书信是考研英语二小作文中的常客,主要包括私人信函和商务信函两大类。这类题目要求考生能够根据给定情景或提示,撰写一封符合英文习惯的信件。
2.商务信函:与私人信函相比,商务信函更加正式,主要用于公司之间或公司内部之间的正式沟通。例如,询价、投诉、回复订单等。在商务信函中,考生应使用第三人称进行表达,注意保持语气的专业性和礼貌性。 为了写好一封信件,考生需要掌握以下几个要点: - 格式:信件的开头应该包含日期和收件人的称呼(如Dear Mr./Ms. Smith),信件正文分为几段,每段开始新的内容。结尾部分通常包含对收件人的祝愿(如Best wishes)以及签名(包括你的姓名和地址)。 - 内容清晰:信件的主题要明确,内容要有条理,逻辑清晰。如果是邀请信,需要详细说明活动的时间、地点等信息;如果是投诉信,则需要清晰地陈述问题并表达解决的期望。 - 语言得体:根据不同的对象和情境调整语气。与朋友通信时可以使用比较随意的语言,而商务信函则需要更加正式和专业。 举例来说,如果给出的情景是“你打算参加朋友的生日聚会,但因为工作原因不能出席”,那么一封合适的信件可能如下所示: ``` Dear [Friend's Name], I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. I was delighted to receive your invitation for your birthday gathering, which I had been eagerly anticipating for quite some time. Unfortunately, due to an unexpected commitment at work, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to attend your celebration on [Date]. I truly apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause and would like to offer my sincerest apologies. Please accept my heartfelt wishes for a joyous celebration filled with fun and laughter. I am sure it will be an unforgettable evening, and I hope to catch up soon and make plans for another get together soon. Thank you again for thinking of me and extending the invitation. Warmest regards, [Your Name] [Your Address] ``` 二、通知 通知是另一种常见的小作文类型,主要用于传达某个消息或事件的通知,如会议通知、活动安排等。通知的特点是信息量大且结构清晰。考生在写通知时需要注意以下几点: - 明确主题:通知的第一段应明确说明通知的目的和主要内容,让读者一目了然地了解所要传达的信息。 - 结构清晰:通知通常包含引言、正文和结尾三部分。引言部分简单介绍背景信息;正文部分详细说明具体事项;结尾部分提供附加说明或进一步行动的指示。 - 语言简洁明了:通知的语气较为直接和正式,避免使用过多的修饰语和冗长的句子。尽量使用简单直白的语言传达信息。 例如,如果题目要求发布一个关于即将举行的学术讲座的通知,一份合适的通知可能是这样的: ``` NOTICE The Department of English Studies invites all students interested in improving their academic writing skills to attend an upcoming lecture titled “Mastering Academic Writing: Techniques and Strategies”. The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Jane Doe, a renowned professor specialized in English literature. Here is the detailed information regarding the event: Date: [Date and Time] Venue: [Venue Address] Topic: Mastering Academic Writing Techniques and Strategies The lecture will cover effective ways to enhance academic writing skills, including structure, style, and research methodology. It will also provide practical examples of successful academic papers. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions and interact with the expert after the lecture. Light refreshments will be provided during the break. Please bring your own note-taking materials if needed. To ensure enough seating capacity, registration is required. Please complete the registration form available at our department office or email us at [Email Address]. We encourage you to register as early as possible. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [Contact Information]. We look forward to seeing you there! Department of English Studies [University Name] [Date] ```