
3.结尾(约20词):总结全文或提出建议。 ---
一、引言(Introduction) 引言部分的目的是吸引读者的注意力,并提供作文的主旨。在写引言时,可以使用一个引人入胜的故事、一个问题或一个惊人的事实。例如: "English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and it's also the primary subject for many middle school students." 二、主体(Body) 在主体部分,你需要详细说明你的论点或故事。这部分应该包含足够的细节来支持你的引言中提到的主张。使用简单的句子结构,如陈述句和疑问句,以确保文章适合初一学生的水平。以下是两个主体段落的例子: 第一段:为什么学习英语重要? - "Firstly, learning English helps students access a wide range of knowledge and information from around the world. For example, they can read books, watch movies, and access online resources that are only available in English." 第二段:如何有效地学习英语? - "Secondly, to learn English effectively, students should practice every day by reading English articles, listening to English songs, or even speaking with friends who are fluent in English."
三、结尾(Conclusion) 结尾部分是总结你的主要观点的好地方。在这里,你可以强调为什么学习英语对学生的未来非常重要,并提出一些具体的建议或行动号召。例如: "In conclusion, mastering English opens up countless opportunities for students. By making a daily effort to improve their language skills, they can achieve great things in their future careers and personal lives." ---
四、完整作文示例(Complete Essay): English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and it's also the primary subject for many middle school students. Why should we learn English? Firstly, learning English helps students access a wide range of knowledge and information from around the world. For example, they can read books, watch movies, and access online resources that are only available in English. Secondly, to learn English effectively, students should practice every day by reading English articles, listening to English songs, or even speaking with friends who are fluent in English. In conclusion, mastering English opens up countless opportunities for students. By making a daily effort to improve their language skills, they can achieve great things in their future careers and personal lives.