1.引出话题:It is undeniable that... (不可否认的是…)
2.提出观点:There is a widespread belief that... (人们普遍认为…)
3.引用数据:According to a recent survey,... (根据最近的一项调查,…)
4.描述现象:In recent years, there has been a growing concern about ... (近年来,人们对…越来越关注)
5.提出问题:Why is it that...? (为什么是…?) 例如:In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the impact of social media on young people's mental health.(近年来,人们对社交媒体对年轻人心理健康的影响越来越关注。) 二、万能结尾句
1.总结全文:To sum up, we should... (我们应该…)
2.提出建议:Therefore, it is recommended that... (因此,建议…)
3.展望未来:Looking ahead, we can expect... (向前看,我们可以期待…)
4.强调重要性:It goes without saying that... (不用说,…的重要性不言而喻)
5.表达决心:Only by doing so, can we truly achieve our goal. (只有这样,我们才能真正实现我们的目标。) 例如:To sum up, we should take effective measures to reduce air pollution to protect the environment and improve public health.(为了减少空气污染以保护环境和提高公众健康,我们应该采取有效措施。)
1.但是:However, this viewpoint is not universally accepted. (这种观点并不被普遍接受。)
2.另一方面:On the other hand, some argue that... (另一方面,有人辩称…)
3.尽管如此:Despite these advantages, there are still drawbacks. (尽管如此,仍有缺点存在。)
4.相反地:Contrarily, I believe that... (相反地,我相信…)
5.因此:Thus, it can be seen that... (因此,可以看到…) 例如:However, this viewpoint is not universally accepted; many experts believe that...(这种观点并不被普遍接受;许多专家认为…)
1.相似点:Both A and B share the same characteristic of ... (A和B都有相同的特性...)
2.不同点:A differs from B in that A has ... while B lacks ... (A与B的不同之处在于,A有 …而B缺乏 …)
3.对比效果:Compared to A, B shows more potential in ... (与A相比,B在…方面显示出更多的潜力)
4.强调优势:Among these options, A stands out for its superiority in ... (在这些选择中,A因其在…方面的优越性而脱颖而出)
5.突出特点:What sets A apart from B is its unique feature of ... (使A与B区别开来的特点是其独有的特征…) 例如:Among these options, A stands out for its superiority in innovation and adaptability. (在这些选项中,A因其在创新和适应性方面的优越性而脱颖而出。)
1.因为:This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that… (这一现象可以用…的事实来解释)
2.所以:As a result, we should focus on improving ... (因此,我们应该专注于改进…)
3.因此导致:Consequently, this leads to the problem of … (因此导致了…的问题)
4.所以导致:Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to … (所以必须注意…)
5.因此产生:This generates the need for … (因此产生了对…的需求) 例如:This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that overconsumption contributes to environmental degradation. (这一现象可以用过度消费导致环境退化的事实来解释。)
1.如果…那么:If we want to achieve our goal, we must first ensure that... (如果我们想实现我们的目标,首先我们必须确保…)
2.只要:Provided that we have enough resources, we can carry out the plan successfully. (只要我们有充足的资源,我们就可以成功地执行计划。)
3.如果发生:In case of any emergency, please follow the safety procedures outlined in the manual. (如果出现任何紧急情况,请按照手册中列出的安全程序操作。)
4.如果取消:If the activity cannot proceed as scheduled, we will inform you as soon as possible. (如果活动不能按计划进行,我们将尽快通知您。) 例如:Provided that we have enough resources, we can carry out the plan successfully. (只要我们有充足的资源,我们就可以成功地执行计划。)