
考	研英语作文万能模版


引言段是文章的开头,其主要作用是引出文章的主题,吸引读者的注意力。一般来说,可以通过描述一个普遍的现象、引用一句名言警句或者提出一个问题来展开论述。例如,在讨论环保问题时,可以这样开头:“With the rapid development of modern industry, environmental protection has become a pressing issue that concerns us all.” 这样的开头既点明了主题,又引起了读者对环保问题的关注。

在引言段中,还可以运用一些连接词和短语来使文章的逻辑更加清晰。比如,表示转折的“however”“nevertheless”,表示原因的“because”“due to”等。例如:“Although great progress has been made in science and technology, there are still many problems to be solved. For example, the problem of traffic congestion is becoming more and more serious.” 通过使用这些连接词,可以使文章的过渡更加自然。



分析大学生就业难的原因。可以从社会经济发展、教育体制、大学生自身素质等方面进行分析。例如:“The main reasons for the difficulty of college students' employment are as follows: firstly, the economic structure is not reasonable, which leads to the imbalance of supply and demand in the job market; secondly, the education system is not perfect, which makes the quality of college students' education not meet the needs of society; thirdly, some college students have low professional ability and poor adaptability, which affects their employment prospects.”

阐述大学生就业难的影响。可以从个人、家庭、社会等多个层面进行分析。例如:“The difficulty of college students' employment will have a series of impacts on individuals, families and society. For individuals, it may lead to psychological pressure and loss of confidence; for families, it may bring economic burden and anxiety about children's future; for society, it may lead to talent waste and social instability.”

提出解决大学生就业难的方法。可以从政府、高校、企业和个人等方面提出具体的建议。例如:“To solve the problem of college students' employment, the government should increase investment in education and promote the optimization of the economic structure; colleges and universities should reform the education system and strengthen students' practical abilities; enterprises should provide more internship opportunities and improve the employment environment for college students; and college students themselves should also enhance their own qualities and actively participate in social practice.”


结尾段是文章的结尾,需要对全文进行总结,并升华主题。一般来说,可以通过总结文章的主要观点、提出展望或者呼吁行动来结束文章。例如,在讨论大学生就业难的问题时,可以这样结尾:“In conclusion, the difficulty of college students' employment is a complex problem that involves multiple aspects. Only by joint efforts from the government, colleges and universities, enterprises and college students themselves can we effectively solve this problem and create a better future for college students.” 这样的结尾既总结了文章的主要内容,又表达了对未来的美好期望。

考	研英语作文万能模版
