
1.开头句型 开头部分是文章的门面,一个吸引人的开始往往能为整篇文章加分不少。这里介绍几个常见的开头句型: - 引入话题:“As we all know, ________ is an important issue.” (众所周知,……是一个重要问题)。 - 提出观点:“In my opinion, ________ should be paid more attention.” (在我看来,应该更加关注……)。 - 描述现象:“Recently, there has been a growing concern over ________.” (最近,人们对……越来越关注)。 例如: - “As we all know, global warming is an important issue.”(众所周知,全球变暖是一个重要问题)。 - “In my opinion, environmental protection should be paid more attention”(在我看来,应该更加关注环境保护)。 - “Recently, there has been a growing concern over the impact of plastic bags on the environment” (最近,人们对塑料袋对环境的影响越来越关注)。
2.中间段落句型 中间段落需要清晰地表达出你的观点和论据。以下是一些常用的句型: - 陈述事实或数据:“According to recent statistics/research, ________.” (根据最近的统计数据/研究显示)。 - 举例支持:“For example, ________.” (例如)。 - 对比论证:“On one hand, ________; however, ________.” (一方面……另一方面……)。 例如: - “According to recent statistics/research, it is reported that air pollution has reached alarming levels in many cities.”(根据最近的统计数据/研究显示,据报道空气污染已在许多城市达到令人警觉的水平)”。 - “For example, in China, the use of private cars has led to a significant increase in carbon emissions.”(例如,在中国,私家车的使用导致碳排放量显著增加)。 - “On one hand, driving less can reduce carbon emissions; however, public transportation may not be accessible or comfortable for everyone.”(一方面,少开车可以减少碳排放;然而另一方面公共交通可能对每个人来说并不方便或舒适)。
3.结尾句型 结尾部分应当总结全文并提出自己的看法或是建议。这里有一些常见的结尾句型: - 总结观点:“To sum up, ________.” (总结起来说呢)。 - 提出建议:“Therefore, I suggest that ________ should be taken seriously.”(因此,我建议我们应该认真对待……)。 - 强调重要性:“It is high time that we took action to ________.”(我们早就应该采取措施去做……了)”。 例如: - “To sum up, reducing the use of plastic bags is crucial for protecting our environment.”(减少使用塑料袋对保护我们的环境至关重要)。 - “Therefore, I suggest that governments should impose stricter penalties on businesses that use non-biodegradable materials.”(因此,我建议政府应对使用非可降解材料的企业施加更严格的惩罚)。 - “It is high time that we took action to reduce air pollution and improve our living conditions.”(我们早就应该采取措施来减少空气污染并改善我们的生活条件)”。