首先来看开头部分的模板。一个好的开头能够吸引读者的注意力并引出文章的主题。例如,在阐述观点类的作文中,可以采用“Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that... There is no doubt that...”这样的句式。以“网络对青少年的影响”为例,可以这样开头:“Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that the Internet plays an increasingly significant role in our daily life. There is no doubt that it has a far-reaching impact on the younger generation.”通过这样的开头,既点明现象又表明观点,为下文的论述做好铺垫。对于图表描述类作文,常用“As is shown in the chart/graph/table above... It can be clearly seen that...”,比如描述某产品近五年的销量变化时,开头可以是“As is shown in the table above about the sales of a certain product over the past five years. It can be clearly seen that there has been a steady increase in sales from 2018 to 2022.”。这种开头能直观地呈现图表信息并引出相关讨论。
接下来是中间论述部分的模板。这部分需要展开论点并提供充分的论据支持。如果是讨论优缺点的作文,可以使用“On the one hand,... On the other hand,... For example,... In addition,...”的结构。比如在写“城市生活与乡村生活对比”的作文时,可这样论述:“On the one hand, city life has many advantages. People there can enjoy a variety of entertainment activities and have more job opportunities. For example, there are numerous theaters, cinemas and shopping malls in cities, which provide a rich cultural life for the residents. In addition, the public transportation in cities is usually convenient, making it easy for people to go around. On the other hand, country life also has its own charms. The environment is much better, with fresh air and beautiful natural scenery. Moreover, people in rural areas often have closer relationships with their neighbors, creating a strong sense of community. But at the same time, country areas may lack some modern facilities and medical resources compared to cities.”这样的论述条理清晰,从正反两方面阐述了两种生活方式的特点。在分析原因类作文中,“The reasons for this phenomenon are manifold. Firstly... Secondly... Last but not least,... To illustrate,...”是常用的模板。例如在分析“中学生近视问题严重的原因”时,可以这样写:“The reasons for the serious situation of myopia among middle school students are manifold. Firstly, they spend too much time reading books or using electronic devices without proper eye protection. Secondly, the heavy study load leads to long study hours and little time for outdoor activities. Last but not least, improper diet and lack of sleep also contribute to the problem. To illustrate, many students stay up late preparing for exams, which puts great strain on their eyes.”通过这样的结构,全面且有条理地分析了原因。
最后是结尾部分的模板。结尾要起到总结全文、升华主题的作用。在议论文结尾可以用“All in all, we should... Only by doing so can we...”,如在关于“如何保护环境”的议论文结尾可以是:“All in all, we should take effective measures to protect the environment. Only by doing so can we create a better living condition for ourselves and future generations. Let's start from small things like saving water and reducing waste, and work together to make our world a cleaner and greener place.”。在叙事类作文结尾可以用“In conclusion, this experience taught me that... I will...”,比如写一次志愿者经历的作文结尾可以是:“In conclusion, this experience as a volunteer taught me the value of helping others and the importance of teamwork. I will continue to be involved in such meaningful activities and strive to make a positive impact on society. Through these experiences, I believe I have grown and become a more responsible person.”这样的结尾既总结了事件的意义也表达了个人的决心。熟练掌握这些英语作文万能模板,能让高中学生在考试写作中更加得心应手。