
道	歉信英语作文模板





例如,你因为一次聚会的迟到向朋友写道歉信。开头可以这样写:"Dear [Friend's Name], I am writing this letter to sincerely apologize for my being late for the party last Sunday. I know it must have caused you a lot of inconvenience and disappointment." 直接点明写信是为了道歉,且表明自己意识到迟到给朋友带来了不便与失望。

中间部分,详细解释迟到的原因,可能是交通堵塞:"The reason for my tardiness was unexpected heavy traffic on the way. There had been an accident on the main road, which blocked all lanes for quite a long time. Even though I tried my best to take alternative routes, I still couldn't arrive on time." 然后再次强调对这次失误的懊悔:"I deeply regret not having left home earlier or considering other possible ways around. It was inconsiderate and selfish of me, and I understand if you are still upset about it."

结尾处,提出弥补措施,如请朋友吃饭:"To make up for my mistake, I would like to invite you to dinner next weekend at your favorite restaurant. I promise to be punctual and hope we can have a great time together then." 接着表达希望朋友原谅的心情:"Once again, I am really sorry for my fault and I truly hope you can forgive me. Our friendship is very important to me, and I don't want this incident to affect it negatively." 并以积极的愿景结束信件:"Looking forward to seeing your smiling face soon. Yours sincerely, [Your Name]"

道	歉信英语作文模板
