2021 年英语一小作文聚焦于“爱心”这一主题,以“the person who has influenced me most”为命题,要求考生描述一位对自己影响最深的人。从整体来看,此题目旨在引导考生思考身边那些给予自己爱与力量的人物,通过讲述其故事来展现人性中的温暖与美好,同时也考查了考生的英语写作水平、叙事能力以及情感表达能力等多方面素养。

2	021年英语一小作文


在阐述第一个要点时,我们可以这样写:“The person who has influenced me most is my grandmother. She is in her seventies, a retired teacher with short gray hair and kind eyes. Although she is not young anymore, she still has a passion for learning new things and keeping up with the times. Her profession as a teacher has instilled in her a deep love for education and a dedication to imparting knowledge to others. This background has significantly shaped her character and actions, which in turn have had a profound impact on me.”通过这样的描述,我们向读者清晰地展示了祖母的形象,为后文讲述她的影响奠定了基础。祖母的年龄、退休教师的身份以及她的外貌特征,都暗示了她丰富的人生阅历和独特的人格魅力,让读者对她产生了初步的印象和好奇心,想要进一步了解她的故事。

进入第二个要点,详细描述影响的具体事例:“Grandmother's influence on me is multi-faceted. When I was struggling with a difficult math problem in primary school, she patiently sat beside me, explaining the concepts step by step until I finally understood. Her encouragement and belief in my ability helped me overcome my fear of challenging subjects and develop a more positive attitude towards learning. Moreover, her honesty and kindness in daily life have set a great example for me. I remember once, when she found some extra change after a shopping trip, instead of keeping it, she went back to the store to return it to the cashier. This taught me the value of integrity and doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”这些具体事例生动地展现了祖母对作者学习和品德方面的影响。从学习上的耐心辅导到生活中诚实善良的示范,每一个细节都体现了祖母的爱与关怀,以及她如何潜移默化地塑造着作者的价值观和人生观。这些事例不仅使文章更加丰富饱满,也让读者更深刻地感受到祖母对作者成长的重要意义。

第三个要点着重描述这种影响带来的改变:“Thanks to her influence, I have become a more diligent and compassionate person. I now approach my studies with greater enthusiasm and perseverance, knowing that hard work leads to progress. In interacting with others, I strive to be honest and considerate, just like my grandmother. Her teachings have also inspired me to participate in volunteer activities, such as helping elderly people in the community with their groceries or reading stories to children in the library. These experiences have filled me with a sense of fulfillment and purpose, and I realize that giving back to society is an important part of life.”这里清晰地呈现了祖母的影响给作者带来的思想转变、行为进步以及对未来规划的积极调整。作者通过自己的亲身经历和感悟,说明了祖母的爱与教诲如何转化为自身的成长动力和实际行动,使读者看到了这种影响的力量和深远意义。

2	021年英语一小作文

最后总结全文:“In conclusion, my grandmother is the person who has influenced me most profoundly. Her wisdom, patience, and love have been like a guiding light on my life's journey. I am deeply grateful for everything she has done for me and will carry the values she has taught me throughout my life. She has shown me that love knows no bounds and that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world. I hope to pass on these lessons to future generations and continue her legacy of spreading warmth and positivity.”在总结部分,作者再次强调了祖母对自己的重要影响,表达了深深的感激之情,并升华了文章的主题,将个人的情感体验与社会价值的传递相联系,使文章具有更广泛的意义和感染力,引发读者对爱与传承的思考。