
英	语作文介绍自己带翻译

文章的开头至关重要,它就像一扇门,引导读者走进你的世界。可以采用多种方式来吸引读者的注意力,如讲述一个与自己相关的小故事、提出一个引人深思的问题或者直接引用一句名人名言。例如:“As an old saying goes, 'Every coin has two sides.' Likewise, every person has a unique story. Today, I would like to share my own story with you.” (俗话说,“凡事都有两面性。”同样,每个人都有独特的故事。今天,我想和你们分享我的故事。)这样的开头既引用了名言,又点明了主题,能够迅速抓住读者的兴趣,使他们想要继续读下去。

在开头部分,还可以适当提及一些自己的基本情况,如姓名、年龄等,但不要过于繁琐。比如:“My name is Li Ming, and I am a 17-year-old student who is passionate about learning new things.” (我叫李明,是一名 17 岁的学生,对学习新事物充满热情。)简洁明了的介绍能够让读者对你有一个初步的了解。



在主体部分的开头,可以先介绍一下自己的家庭背景,包括家庭成员、家庭氛围等。例如:“I come from a warm and harmonious family. There are three people in my family - my father, my mother and me. My father is an engineer and my mother is a teacher. They have always been supportive and encouraging in my studies and personal development.” (我来自一个温馨和睦的家庭。我家里有三口人——我的父亲、母亲和我。我的父亲是一名工程师,我的母亲是一名教师。他们在我的学习和个人发展方面一直给予我支持和鼓励。)通过描述家庭环境,能够让读者感受到你成长的氛围,进而更好地理解你的性格和价值观形成的根源。

接着介绍自己的教育背景,从小学开始简要叙述在学校的经历和取得的成绩。比如:“I started my primary school when I was six years old. During that period, I developed a keen interest in reading and writing, which laid a solid foundation for my future studies. In middle school, I actively participated in various extracurricular activities, such as the English corner and the science club, where I not only improved my English speaking and listening skills but also cultivated my scientific thinking.” (我六岁时开始上小学。在那个时候,我对阅读和写作产生了浓厚的兴趣,这为我未来的学习打下了坚实的基础。在中学时,我积极参加各种课外活动,比如英语角和科学俱乐部,在那里我不仅提高了我的英语听说能力,还培养了我的科学思维。)这样的描述可以让读者看到你的成长轨迹和努力过程。


兴趣爱好是个人生活的重要组成部分,它们能够丰富我们的生活,展现我们的个性。在介绍自己的兴趣爱好时,要具体说明喜欢的原因以及这些爱好给你带来的影响。例如:“I have a wide range of hobbies, among which reading and painting are my favorites. Reading opens up a door to different worlds and cultures, allowing me to experience the joy and sorrow of various characters. It broadens my horizons and enriches my knowledge. Painting, on the other hand, is a way for me to express my inner feelings and creativity. When I hold a brush and paint on the canvas, I feel a sense of tranquility and fulfillment. These hobbies not only bring me pleasure in my spare time but also help me develop a positive attitude towards life.” (我有广泛的爱好,其中阅读和绘画是我最喜欢的。阅读为我打开了一扇通往不同世界和文化的大门,让我能够体验各种角色的喜怒哀乐。它拓宽了我的视野,丰富了我的知识。而绘画则是我表达内心感受和创造力的一种方式。当我拿着画笔在画布上作画时,我感到一种宁静和满足感。这些爱好不仅在我业余时间给我带来快乐,还帮助我养成积极的生活态度。)通过生动的描述,读者可以更直观地感受到你的兴趣爱好对你的生活产生的重要影响。


在主体部分的结尾处,谈谈自己的未来规划,包括短期目标和长期目标。比如:“In the short term, I hope to further improve my English proficiency by participating in more international competitions and exchange programs. I believe that through continuous practice and exposure to authentic language environments, I can achieve this goal. In the long run, I aspire to become a translator or a writer, using my language skills to promote cross-cultural communication and understanding. I know that there will be many challenges along the way, but I am determined to pursue my dreams with passion and perseverance.” (在短期内,我希望通过参加更多的国际比赛和交流项目来进一步提高我的英语水平。我相信通过持续的练习和接触真实的语言环境,我可以实现这个目标。从长远来看,我渴望成为一名翻译或作家,用我的语言技能促进跨文化的交流与理解。我知道路上会有很多挑战,但我决心以热情和毅力追求我的梦想。)明确的未来规划展示了你的决心和抱负,让读者对你的未来充满期待。


在文章的结尾,要对全文进行总结,再次强调自己的独特之处和核心观点,给读者留下深刻的印象。可以采用总结性的句子或者展望未来的方式来结束文章。例如:“To sum up, I am a person with a diverse background, a variety of hobbies and ambitious plans for the future. I am constantly striving to become a better version of myself, just like a butterfly striving to break free from its cocoon. I believe that with my efforts and determination, I can create a colorful and meaningful life for myself. Thank you for taking the time to read my self-introduction. I look forward to getting to know each of you better in the future.” (我是一个有着多元化背景、多种爱好和宏伟未来规划的人。我一直努力成为一个更好的自己,就像蝴蝶努力破茧而出一样。我相信通过我的努力和决心,我可以为自己创造一个丰富多彩、有意义的生活。感谢您抽出时间阅读我的自我介绍。我期待着在未来更好地了解你们每一个人。)这样的结尾既总结了文章内容,又表达了对未来的期待,给人以积极向上的感觉。

英	语作文介绍自己带翻译
