在 2017 年 6 月英语四级作文中,考生们面临着特定的主题与要求。总体而言,此次作文主要聚焦于对某一社会现象或话题的讨论与分析,旨在考查考生的英语综合运用能力,尤其是在书面表达方面能否清晰阐述观点、组织逻辑严密的文章结构以及准确运用语言知识。
一、引出作文主题背景 二、描述现象及其影响
引出作文主题背景是构建文章的基础。例如,如果主题是关于“手机依赖症”这一社会现象,文章开头可以这样写:“In modern society, it is quite common to see people constantly staring at their mobile phones, whether they are walking on the street, waiting for a bus, or even having a meal with friends and family. This phenomenon, known as 'mobile phone addiction', has become an increasingly hot topic of discussion.”这样的开篇能够自然地将读者带入到所讨论的话题情境当中,让他们对手机依赖症这一现象有初步的认识和感受。
接着,描述现象及其影响是文章的重要组成部分。对于“手机依赖症”,其影响是多方面的。“On the one hand, excessive reliance on mobile phones can lead to physical problems. Many people complain about neck pain and eye strain due to long hours of looking down at their screens. On the other hand, it also has negative impacts on mental health. People may become more isolated, as they spend less time interacting with others face-to-face and more time in the virtual world of social media. Moreover, productivity can be greatly affected when individuals are distracted by constant notifications from their phones while working or studying.”通过具体阐述这些影响,使读者更加深刻地认识到手机依赖症这一问题的严重性。
然后,分析原因是深入探讨问题的关键。“There are several reasons behind this growing trend. Firstly, the development of technology has made mobile phones more powerful and versatile, offering a wide range of functions such as social networking, gaming, online shopping, and so on, which make them highly attractive and addictive. Secondly, the fear of missing out (FOMO) drives people to constantly check their phones for updates, not wanting to be left out of what is happening in the social circle. Lastly, some people use mobile phones as a means to escape from real-life pressures and challenges, seeking comfort and distraction in the virtual world.”这些原因的分析有助于读者理解为何手机依赖症会在当今社会如此普遍,为后续提出解决办法奠定基础。
提出解决办法或展望是文章具有建设性意义的体现。“To address this issue, both individuals and society need to take action. For individuals, they should be aware of the potential risks of mobile phone addiction and try to limit their phone usage, such as setting specific times for checking messages and avoiding using phones before bedtime. At the same time, they can engage in more offline activities like sports, reading and spending quality time with loved ones. From the societal perspective, companies could develop apps that promote healthy phone use habits and schools or organizations can organize awareness campaigns to educate people about the importance of balancing digital life and real life.”这部分内容展示了应对手机依赖症的积极态度和可行措施,给读者带来希望和启发。
总结升华主题能够使文章的结构更加完整,中心思想更加突出。“In conclusion, mobile phone addiction is a complex social problem with far-reaching consequences. While it brings certain convenience to our lives, we must recognize and address its negative impacts. By taking effective measures at both individual and societal levels, we can hope to achieve a healthier balance between the benefits of modern technology and our well-being, ensuring that mobile phones serve as a tool to enhance our lives rather than control us.”这样的结尾不仅回顾了文章的主要内容,还强调了解决问题的重要性和意义,使文章的主题得到升华。