
高	中英语万能模板作文

开头是吸引读者注意力的关键。常见的有开门见山式:“Nowadays, there is a growing concern that...”(当今,人们越来越关注……)例如,在讨论环境污染问题时,“Nowadays, there is a growing concern that environmental pollution has become a serious threat to our planet.”(当今,人们越来越关注环境污染已成为对我们地球的严重威胁。)这种开头直接点明主题,让读者快速了解文章核心。还有背景引入式,先描述一个普遍的场景或现象再引出主题,比如,“With the rapid development of technology, our lives have been greatly changed. However, this also brings about some challenges. One of them is...”(随着科技的快速发展,我们的生活发生了巨大变化。这也带来了一些挑战。其中之一就是……)。这样的开头能使主题自然呈现。

二、中间论述部分模板 中间论述是文章的主体,需要充分表达观点并提供论据支持。对比论证模板较为实用,如“On the one hand,... On the other hand,... Therefore, it is clear that...” (一方面……另一方面……因此,很明显……)。以网络对学习的影响为例,“On the one hand, the Internet provides us with a wealth of information and learning resources, making education more accessible. On the other hand, it may cause distractions if not used properly. Therefore, it is clear that we should make good use of the Internet for our study.”(一方面,互联网为我们提供了丰富的信息和学习资源,使得教育更加普及。另一方面,如果不恰当使用,它可能会造成干扰。因此,很明显我们应该好好利用互联网进行学习。)此外,列举式也是常用方法,“There are mainly three reasons for this. Firstly,... Secondly,... Finally,...” (主要有三个原因。首先……其次……最后……),这能让论述条理清晰。

结尾要总结文章并升华主题。总结归纳式是常用结尾方式,“In conclusion, we can say that... It is hoped that...” (我们可以说……希望……)。比如在关于健康的作文中,“In conclusion, we can say that keeping a healthy lifestyle is of great significance. It is hoped that everyone can attach importance to their health.”(我们可以说保持健康的生活方式意义重大。希望每个人都能重视自己的健康。)呼吁号召式结尾也能增强感染力,“Let's... Only in this way can we...” (让我们……只有这样才能……)。例如,“Let's take action to protect our environment. Only in this way can we create a better world for ourselves and future generations.”(让我们采取行动保护我们的环境。只有这样我们才能为自己和后代创造一个更美好的世界。)

高	中英语万能模板作文
