开头部分要简洁明了地引出主题。可以用一句话概括性地提出观点或描述现象。比如在写议论文时,若题目是关于“Should Students Use Mobile Phones at School?” ,开头可以这样写:“It is a common phenomenon that students are increasingly using mobile phones at school, which has sparked a heated debate.” 这种开头方式直接点明了当前学生在学校使用手机这一普遍现象,并表明对此存在争议,为下文进一步论述奠定了基础。对于图表作文,则要先简单描述图表呈现的主要内容,例如:“The bar chart clearly reveals the changes in the number of visitors to the museum over the past five years.”
中间段落是文章的主体部分。如果是议论文,一般需要分点阐述支持观点的理由或反对观点的原因。以刚才提到的学生在学校使用手机为例,若支持其使用,理由可以是:“Firstly, mobile phones provide students with convenient access to information. They can quickly look up relevant knowledge for their studies, such as the definition of an English word or the solution to a math problem. Secondly, it facilitates communication between students and their parents. In case of an emergency at home, parents can reach their children promptly through mobile phones. However, on the other hand, opponents argue that it may cause distractions during class...” 通过“firstly”“secondly”等连接词清晰地罗列了正反两方面的理由,使论述层次分明。若是记叙文,要按照事件发生的顺序详细叙述过程,包括事件的起因、经过和结果。例如讲述一次难忘的旅行经历,可以这样写:“Last summer vacation, our family went to Qingdao. We took a train there early in the morning... During our stay in Qingdao, we visited the famous Zhan Bridge. The bridge was so majestic and beautiful that it left a deep impression on us. We also had a great time on the beach, playing in the sand and enjoying the sunshine... Finally, we took the evening train back home, feeling tired but happy. This trip was really an unforgettable experience in my life.”
然后,结尾部分要简洁有力,对全文进行总结或升华。在议论文中,再次表明自己的观点并提出建议或展望。比如对于学生在学校使用手机的话题,结尾可以这样写:“In conclusion, while the use of mobile phones at school has its advantages and disadvantages, I believe that with proper management and self-discipline, students can make good use of them for learning purposes and avoid being distracted. Schools could also set some rules to guide the reasonable use of mobile phones.” 在记叙文中,结尾处可以通过表达自己的感受或收获来使文章更具感染力,如上述旅行经历的结尾:“This journey not only enriched my knowledge about different places but also made me feel closer to my family. I am looking forward to the next travel adventure.”