- 引出话题:"With globalization advancing at an unprecedented rate, the issue of..."
- 提出观点:"There is a growing concern about the impact of..."
- 背景信息:"According to recent studies, it has been found that..."
- 引用数据或事实:"Statistics show that..."
- "With globalization advancing at an unprecedented rate, the issue of climate change has become increasingly urgent." (全球化以前所未有的速度前进,气候变化问题变得日益紧迫。)
- "There is a growing concern about the impact of technology on human relationships." (人们对科技对人类关系的影响越来越担忧。)
- "According to recent studies, it has been found that students' mental health deteriorates as they enter higher education." (根据最近的研究,人们发现随着学生进入高等教育阶段,他们的心理健康会恶化。)
- "Statistics show that the average working life in China has decreased by five years over the past decade."(统计数据显示,过去十年中,中国人的平均工作年限缩短了五年。)
- 描述现象:"The phenomenon of... has become more and more prevalent."
- 分析原因:"One possible reason for this phenomenon is..."
- 举例说明:"For example, many young people are addicted to social media platforms like WeChat and TikTok."
- 提出解决方案:"To address this problem, we should take some measures, such as..."
- "The phenomenon of online addiction among teenagers has become more and more prevalent." (青少年网络成瘾的现象越来越普遍。)
- "One possible reason for this phenomenon is the easy access to internet resources at home during weekends." (这种现象的一个可能原因是周末在家容易上网。)
- "For instance, many young people are addicted to social media platforms like WeChat and TikTok." (例如,许多年轻人沉迷于微信和抖音等社交媒体平台。)
- "To address this problem, we should take some measures, such as setting time limits for daily internet use and promoting outdoor activities among teenagers" (为了解决这个问题,我们应该采取一些措施,比如限制每日互联网使用的时长,并在青少年中推广户外活动。)
- 总结观点:"In conclusion, the issue of..." remains unresolved.
- 强调重要性:"It is high time we pay more attention to..."
- 展望未来:"Only by doing so can we hope to achieve a better future for our society."
- "In conclusion, the issue of air pollution still remains unresolved." (空气污染问题仍未得到解决。)
- "It is high time we pay more attention to environmental conservation." (是时候我们更加重视环保了。)
- "Only by doing so can we hope to achieve a better future for our society." (只有这样,我们才能希望为我们的社会创造一个更好的未来。) 本文系作者个人观点,不代表本站立场,转载请注明出处!