随着 2019 年中考的临近,英语作文作为重要的考试板块之一,备受关注。对于考生而言,提前了解可能出现的作文主题并做好相应的准备十分关键。本文将对 2019 中考英语作文进行预测分析,助力考生在考场上更好地发挥。
在当今社会,环保问题日益严峻,因此环保主题极有可能出现在 2019 中考英语作文中。这类作文旨在考查学生对环境保护的认知与思考能力。例如,题目可能会要求描述身边的环境问题,如空气污染、水污染等,并提出解决办法。
写作时要注重以下几点:开头点明环境现状,如“Nowadays, environmental problems are becoming more and more serious. Air pollution is a common phenomenon.”中间部分具体阐述问题产生的原因,如工业废气排放、汽车尾气等。结尾提出解决措施,像倡导绿色出行、减少使用塑料袋等,并呼吁大家一起行动起来保护环境。比如,“We should ride bikes instead of driving cars and use reusable bags to reduce plastic waste. Let's work together to protect our environment and make the world a better place.”这样能使文章结构清晰,逻辑连贯。
校园生活是学生们熟悉且有丰富素材可写的内容。可能的题目有描述一次难忘的校园活动、讲述与老师或同学之间的故事等。以描写校园运动会为例,可以这样写:开头交代活动背景和时间地点,如“Last Friday, our school held a sports meet. All the students and teachers were excited about it and gathered on the playground in the early morning.”
中间详细描述比赛过程,如运动员们的拼搏场景、啦啦队的加油助威等,“The runners ran as fast as they could, their faces full of determination. The cheerleaders shouted loudly, waving flags and banners to encourage the participants. The whole campus was filled with energy and enthusiasm.”结尾表达自己的感受和收获,如“This sports meet not only made us stronger but also taught us the importance of teamwork and perseverance. It was a really unforgettable experience in my school life.”
科技日新月异,这一主题也常出现在中考作文中。可能要求谈谈科技对生活的影响或者对未来科技的畅想等。比如写科技改变生活方式,开头引出话题,“With the rapid development of science and technology, our lives have changed greatly in many ways.”
中间举例说明科技带来的便利,像智能手机让人们随时随地购物、学习、社交等,“Smartphones enable us to shop online at any time, learn new knowledge from various apps and keep in touch with friends and family all over the world easily.”结尾发表自己对科技发展的积极态度和对未来科技的期待,“In conclusion, we should embrace the technology and make good use of it. I'm also looking forward to more amazing technological innovations in the future.”
随着全球化的推进,文化交流愈发频繁。中考英语作文或许会涉及介绍本国文化给外国友人或者分享跨文化交流的经历等。假如要介绍中国的春节文化,可以先介绍春节的时间和意义,“Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It usually falls on January 1st according to the lunar calendar. It's a time for family reunion and celebration.”
然后描述春节期间的一些特色习俗,如贴春联、放鞭炮、吃年夜饭等,“During Spring Festival, people paste red couplets on doors, set off firecrackers for good luck, and have a big family dinner together. Children can get lucky money wrapped in red paper.”最后表达对文化交流的看法和希望更多人了解中国文化的愿望,“Cultural exchange is very important. I hope more foreign friends can come to China and experience our wonderful culture first-hand.”
成长过程中难免会遇到困难和挫折,关于励志成长的作文能够展现学生的积极心态和坚强意志。例如题目是“How to Deal with Difficulties”。开头可以简单描述一下生活中常见的困难,如学习压力大、与朋友闹矛盾等,“In our life, we often meet various difficulties, such as heavy study pressure or misunderstandings with friends.”
中间提出应对方法,像调整心态、寻求帮助等,“First of all, we should keep a positive attitude and believe that we can overcome these difficulties. Secondly, we can turn to our teachers, parents or classmates for help when necessary.”结尾总结全文并鼓励读者勇敢面对困难,“In general, difficulties are just part of life. We should face them bravely and grow up through them. As the saying goes, 'Where there is a will, there is a way.'”通过这样的结构和内容安排,使文章富有感染力和说服力。
2019 年中考英语作文可能在环保、校园生活、科技发展、文化交流、励志成长等多个主题方向展开。考生们应多关注这些方面的话题,积累相关的词汇和句型,同时注重文章结构的合理性和逻辑性,这样才能在考试中写出优秀的作文。希望每一位考生都能认真备考,在中考英语作文中取得好成绩。