1.描述场景:万能句型如“As it is widely accepted that...”,“It is widely believed that...”,“The consensus among experts is that...”,可以有效地引入主题并设定背景。
2.提出问题:句型如“Isn't it true that…”,“Is it possible that...?”可以引起读者的好奇心,促使他们继续阅读。
3.总结观点:“In my opinion, it’s essential to...”,“From my perspective, it’s crucial to...”等句型可以帮助作者清晰地表达自己的看法和态度。
4.建议行动:“Therefore, it is imperative that we should...”,“To solve the problem, we must take action accordingly.”等句型可以鼓励读者采取行动。
5.展望未来:“Looking forward, it is likely that...”,“Looking ahead, there is no doubt that...”可以激发读者对未来的憧憬。 段落二:举例说明 以“As is widely known, the internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives”为例,首先介绍了网络的普及情况,然后提出了一个问题,引出了下文的讨论。 分析与讨论
1.描述场景:“It is widely accepted that the internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives due to its convenience and accessibility.”
2.提出问题:“Isn’t it true that the internet has changed the way we communicate with each other and access information?”
3.总结观点:“In my opinion, it’s essential to recognize the positive impacts of the internet on our society.”
4.建议行动:“Therefore, I strongly suggest that we continue to use the internet for educational purposes and explore new opportunities for communication.”
5.展望未来:“Looking forward, we can expect more advanced technologies like virtual reality and artificial intelligence to further improve our lives.” 段落三:结束语 通过以上例子我们可以看到,万能句型在写作中起着重要的作用。它们能够帮助我们更好地组织文章结构,明确表达观点,并且鼓励读者思考。因此,我们应该熟练掌握这些句型,并灵活运用到我们的写作中。